For a (self)conscious use of digital and data technologies in educational institutions
Welcome to the UNBLACK THE BOX website!
…are working in an educational institution?
…are training to be a teacher?
…are working in teacher training?
…are researching on topics of datafication / digitisation in educational institutions?
…are involved in education policy decision processes?
…or are just generally interested?
Then this is the right place for you. UNBLACK THE BOX is a network initiative founded in 2019 by researchers from education science, sociology, information technology, media and health education, as well as teachers in schools, universities and pedagogical training. Our goal is to enable educational institutions and teachers to respond to the growing datafication and digitization of education with enlightened, critical and conscious decision-making, even without extensive IT knowledge.
You are welcome to browse our website and gain an impression of our activities and current projects.
Your feedback is welcome!

The alternative checklist
12(self)conscious questions for educational institutions
Who we are
What is UNBLACK THE BOX and who is behind it
Events, presentations and publications
Watch presentations by UNBLACK THE BOX members
UNBLACK THE BOX for practice
Materials and ideas
Further projects and initiatives
How to get in touch
Do you have any feedback regarding our initiative, would like to test our approaches in practice, are curious to find out more or just want to say ‘hello’?
Then you are very welcome to contact us.